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Mortgage Professor about Family Mortgage Law: 
Canceling Private Mortgage Insurance (2)
January 22, 2001 "I was told that under Federal legislation passed in 1999, private mortgage insurance is cancelled automatically at some point -- borrowers don?t have to do anything. Is that right." Yes. Under one provision of that law, lenders are required to ... more...

Fannie Mae Under the Gun
17 January 2005 The Accounting Scandal at Fannie Mae "The media has been full of stories recently about accounting scandals at Fannie Mae?Is this another Enron? What does it mean to John Q. Public?" It is an accounting scandal, and heads have rolled as a result, but it is not ... more...

Family Mortgage Law related definitions

Real Estate Settlement Procedure Act (RESPA) A federal law passed in 1974 that requires lenders to provide home mortgage borrowers in advance with information of known or estimated settlement costs. RESPA also limits the amount lenders may require to be held in escrow for ... more...

Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan
Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan A secured loan (mortgage) that is subordinate to another loan against the same property. More specifically, the second loan in sequence. Generally, second mortgage hass a higher interest rate and with shorter terms than a ... more...

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Stop Debt Collectors
Can you stop debt collectors ? . . .You better know you canYou can stop debt collectors under the law provided by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If you use credit cards, owe money on a personal loan, or are paying on a home mortgage, you are a "debtor."If you fall behind in repaying your ... more...

Unintended Consequences
Direct Answers - Column for the week of May 26, 2003My sister is celebrating her tenth anniversary this summer, and I'm concerned she is letting her relationship go. Her husband refuses to acknowledge any problems and doesn't believe in counseling.At the time my sister married, she was a ... more...

Mortgage Loans
A mortgage is a device used to create a lien on real estate by contract. The mortgage is an instrument that the borrower (called the mortgagor) uses to pledge real property to the lender (called the mortgagee) as security for a debt, also called hypothecation. The mortgage, as a rule, consists of ... more...

RESPA: The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) is a consumer protection statute, first passed in 1974. One of its purposes is to help consumers become better shoppers for settlement services. Another purpose is to eliminate kickbacks and referral fees that increase unnecessarily the costs of ... more...

Apply For Home Mortgage Loan Online With Bad Credit - Things To Consider
So, youve found the perfect home. Youve already decided where to place each piece of your furniture inside the home, and in your mind, all of your family photographs are hanging alongside the stairwell. But waitdo you know that even if you believe that your credit report is spotless, it could ... more...

Tomatoes: History, Origin, Facts... or Fiction?
A tomato importer, John Nix, decided to challenge the law after scrutinizing the Tariff Act. His case relied on the fact that tomatoes were a fruit and not vegetable, therefore, it should not be subjected to the Tariff Act. Nix's objections brought the case to the Supreme Court in 1893. Although ... more...

Online Debt Management and Credit Debt Management
Online debt management sources provide financial tools and options for anyone interested in budgeting, controlling spending, debt relief, investing, retirement, mortgages, and education accounts for children. There are non-profit agencies, Christian financial ministries, law firms, money management ... more...

Reverse Mortgages: Information You Need to Know
Reverse Mortgages are exploding in popularity and as the baby boomers reach age 62 and beyond they will become eligible to cash in on their home equity with a reverse mortgage.A reverse mortgage is a home loan that you do not have to pay back for as long as you live in your home. It can be paid to ... more...

Buying Country Acreage and Rural Properties, To Buy or Not To Buy
Almost anyone can become a rural property owner; if you are willing to set goals, establish what your purposes are, plan ahead and set targets that are all aligned toward the same result. And, if you can be patient instead of requiring instant gratification.There is no more $50-an-acre land; unless ... more...

A Personal Loan And Your Rights
You can use a personal loan for many different things including, but not limited to, paying off bills, taking a vacation, buying a car and much more. Interest rates on a personal loan will vary, depending on your credit rating and the institution you are choosing to get your personal loan from. It ... more...

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